Monday, 27 February 2012

Recording the Song and Rhea

Tonight I am attempting to record Rhea performing on piano and singing my chosen song "Everybody's gotta learn sometime" by Beck. I didn't want the hassle with all the copyright business so decided to get a friend (Rhea) who is a professional musician and music student to help me.

We met up and talked about what I wanted from her voice and then decided to just use a piano for the backing music.

As a way of recording on my Mac I can either record through photo booth, through iMovie, through garage band or record it on a recording device and then upload it to iMovie as an audio file.
Luckily, Rhea has a microphone that I can plug straight into my Mac and then record straight onto Garage band were I can then edit it to how I would like it.

Problems we encountered tonight : 

  • Hard to find the right key that fits in with how I wanted and imagined it would sound, whilst still fitting in with Rhea's voice style. 

NEXT TASK :  meet up with Rhea again after I have tried recording the song myself and then finding the right key on the piano to match and recording the piano onto a different layer on garage band and then editing them together.

 A picture of the music Rhea was using, she had got the sheet music from the internet, but had found the guitar tabs etc to be too hard to play so opted to play it on the piano instead. I was ok with this as I liked the sound it made and it worked well :)

You can see me on the left holding my laptop. I wanted to take some photos of her playing etc, sort of documenting it. But I didn't have a camera with me so  instead I took the photos using the built in webcam on my laptop using the program photo booth.

Rhea playing the piano and singing.

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