"Surrealist cinema is a modernist film theory lanched in Paris in the 1920s. Related to an earlier tradition of Dada cinema, surrealist cinema is characterised by juxtapositions, the rejection of dramatic psychology and a frequent use of shocking imagery."
From his 2006 book Surrealism and Cinema Michael Richardson argues that surrealist works "cannot be defined by style or form, but rather as results of the practice of surrealism. Surrealists aren't bothered with making up something that can be defined as 'surreal', they are more concerned about exploring the points of contact between different realms of existence.
My opinion... Whilst I have no idea what on earth he's on about, I also don't agree, I think that surrealism has been going for so long that anyone can have any impression of what they think surrealism is, whether you're a surrealist or not. This relates to the theorist Jean Francois Lyotard and how he thought that because of the meta-narratives being ignored and replaced by micro-narratives people had the realisation of difference, diversity and freedom to have your own opinions. This is what I believe surrealism reflects , the range of nothingness into which you are confined, you are allowed the freedom of anything.
Surreal films :
- Un Chien Andalou by Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí (1929)
- L'Âge d'Or by Luis Buñuel and Salvador Dalí (1930)
When I think of surrealism Salvador Dali instantly pops up into my head...
A photo with no real explanation of how it could have been taken or why its composition is like that.
But thats what I like about it, surrealism doesn't have to be explained or have a reason behind it.
A painting this time, and just like the photo above it looks random but obviously from looking close you can see hidden meanings and messages that the artist thought about before painting/creating it. The withering clocks could symbolise the heat and humidity or the way time drags along in certain places etc...
Thats what I want in my surreal short film piece. Meanings and messages and values that I and only some certain other people that know my plot and is interested in it, understands.
Soooooo random, but so fun, these photos are exactly how i'd explain my love of surrealism. How it doesn't have to make sense. I found these photos on google images when typing in box-heads as I wanted inspiration for my already thought out idea of having a short film all about box-heads.
Already I was looking into different types of facial expressions I could draw on the box-heads as their face.
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